About Us

When going for a job interview everyone wants to make a good impression. But what if you've been unemployed for a long time or you're struggling to get by on benefits or you've recently been homeless or released from prison and you can't afford a suit or smart clothing for that crucial interview?

Suited for Success believes helping unemployed men and women with interview skills and a suitable interview outfit will give them the confidence they need to make that positive first impression and get a job that could change their life..
First impressions count
First impressions are vital when it comes to a job interview. Research shows that it takes a potential employer just ‘nine seconds’ to make up their mind about a job applicant. Not being able to afford an interview suit or having the right interviewing skills can be a huge barrier to employment for many unemployed men and women.
Suited for Success is a registered UK charity based in heart of Birmingham. We provide FREE high-quality interview clothes, styling and interview preparation skills for unemployed men and women who have a confirmed job interview. Gently worn suits and smart workwear is donated by professional men and women in corporate companies, law firms, banks, offices and businesses across the city. The suits are given to our clients 'FREE of charge' to wear to a job interview.
Dressed ready for success
Both men and women can be referred to our Suited for Success centre in central Ladywood. Our only criteria are that they are currently unemployed and have confirmation of a guaranteed job interview. All our clients are given a one-to-one appointment to receive interview coaching and are dressed and styled by our volunteers ready to give a great first impression in their job interview.
We work with a variety of frontline support agencies that work with unemployed men and women of all ages and backgrounds who are experiencing significant personal barriers and complex issues to gaining employment including long-term unemployed, ex-offenders, ex-forces, back to work mums, substance misuse recovery, homelessness, and NEET 16-29 year olds.
We work on a referral/appointment basis ONLY and all referred clients must have proof of a guaranteed job interview.
More than just a suit
To further our mission to support unemployed people who are the furthest away from employment Suited for Success is developing several work strands as part of our 'More Than Just a Suit' programme with a focus on working with the ex-forces, ex-offenders, those who have experienced homelessness, young people and return to work mums.
Collaborative working
Collaboration is at the heart of Suited for Success. We bring together the corporate and third sector organisations in Birmingham to practically tackle the barriers unemployed men and women in the city face on their journey to employment. By working together we can reach a greater number of people, impact unemployment and tackle poverty at its root.
How we began
Suited for Success began as a 6 month pilot project launched in May 2015 by a group of young professionals from corporate Birmingham city centre businesses including Anthony Collins solicitors, Gowling WLG, Deutsche Bank, Lloyds TSB, Shakepeares and PwC and a large city centre foodbank united by their desire to make a positive impact on the city. Read more about how we began.
How we work
Clients are referred to us through various grassroots agencies who support unemployed men and women into employment including job clubs, community projects, employment programmes and more. Read more about how we work.
Our centre
Suited for Success is based in the heart of Birmingham. Take a virtual tour of our centre.