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Client Stories

Many clients referred to us may have experienced long-term unemployment, have a history of ex-offending, drug abuse, homelessness, poverty and many other life challenges. This results in low self-esteem and confidence that becomes a barrier to finding employment. Looking and feeling the part for an interview is a step towards succeeding in finding that crucial job and getting their life back on track...  
"I’ve been a lost soul but I’m looking forward to my future now..."
Meet Paul

Paul, 39 has been a full-time carer for his mom who has Alzheimer's disease for over 10 years and has now gone into a home. He’s also been addicted to drugs for 20 years and been clean nearly two years.


He was referred to Suited for Success through a Business in the Community programme called Ready for Work and has an interview for a work placement with Carillion construction.

During his dressing appointment he talked about his addiction past and his desire to get into full-time employment and turn his life around.  He has a background in construction work and has done temporary contract jobs here and there but now wants a full-time job so he can support his child and himself. Like many clients referred to Suited for Success he has never worn a suit before, so we suited and booted him ready for his interview.

Talking to Suited for Success manager, Patricia White Paul explains: “I just went down the wrong path in life, I was addicted to drugs for 20 years on and off but I’ve always looked after myself paid my bills and I don’t have a criminal record. I’ve been clean now for about a year and a half. I just had enough, I’m getting old and my child is growing up.

"I've been a lost soul"

“I don’t want to get left behind. I look at some people in their 50’s and they’re just lost, I’ve been a lost soul and I don’t want to be a lost soul at that age. I just want some love in my life and money in my pocket. Certain things have egged me on to fix up.

“Don’t get me wrong the addiction is still in my head, I just have to be strong; every day is a new day. I’m looking forward to the future now.”

Listen to Paul talk below about his life and desire to move forward in his life.

Meet PaulSuited for Success
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