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Client Stories

Many clients referred to us may have experienced long-term unemployment, have a history of ex-offending, drug abuse, homelessness, poverty and many other life challenges. This results in low self-esteem and confidence that becomes a barrier to finding employment. Looking and feeling the part for an interview is a step towards succeeding in finding that crucial job and getting their life back on track...  
"Wow I feel great and feel like I've already got the job, I actually look like I work at Thomas Cook.."
Meet Ramone

Ramone's 21 completed a leadership course in the summer with graduate programme called Fastlaners and has two job interviews coming up over the next couple of weeks with Thomas Cook. He has several years experience in retail and customer service and is really looking forward to getting a new job in travel and tourism.

After his make-over Ramone said: "Wow I feel great and feel ready for the job interview. I feel like I've already got the job and I actually look like I work at Thomas Cook. 

"Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for your help and service. I was quite nervous to tell the truth but you made me feel more than welcome. Thank you so much, this experience really has boosted my confidence for this interview, the suit, the bag, the shoes, all of it. I cant thank you enough for your help."


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