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Our Team - Patricia White, CEO

Patricia has extensive experience and skills in leadership, project management and corporate partnership working. Her passion and aspirations are to create innovative platforms for the corporate and business sector to partner with the charity/third sector to work together and impact the lives of men and women living on the margins of our society. 

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After a career as a corporate IT trainer then 10 years working for the BBC as a journalist, Patricia took a sharp u-turn in her career to follow her passion in community outreach work including setting up the first Trussell Trust Foodbank in Birmingham. She has project-managed several community projects over the years and has been an influential voice in citywide initiatives addressing social issues impacting the city from food poverty to unemployment. 


Patricia took on the reins, vision,  aspiration and set up of Suited for Success in 2015 as an initial pilot project working with businesses in the city and became the CEO when the charity was registered in 2016.


Patricia also facilitates training workshops supporting third sector organisations,  charities and churches to set-up job clubs and employability projects in their local communities and regularly speaks at events, workshops and presentations about the work at Suited for Success and the social challenges of unemployment.




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