Our COVID-19 response
Like many businesses and charities Suited for Success will be suspending our free interview clothing service until further notice due to the one-to-one nature of our work. However, we will continue to support clients preparing for interviews by offering 'online' video interview coaching appointments.
Working together with others to help the local community
While we are closed during the Coronavirus crisis we will be turning our efforts to do what we can to work together with our neighbouring charities, community groups and projects in the Ladywood area of Birmingham to support those most vulnerable in these uncertain times.
We're working with several other charities, community projects, schools and local churches in Ladywood to let residents know they are not alone and help is available if they need it. Resources are being pooled to respond to needs in the community including supporting those working with the elderly, local foodbanks, low-income families (with young children usually in receipt of free school meals) and homeless agencies.
The Ladywood Helpers
Ladywood in Birmingham (where Suited for Success is based) has some of the highest statistics of child poverty and unemployment in the UK. With all schools, community centres and children centres now closed, we’re virtually working in collaboration with others to create a single point of contact for people called the 'Ladywood Helpers' for local residents to access help and support if they need it. www.ladywoodhelpers.co.uk
From emergency food parcels, gas and electricity tokens, babies nappies and milk or a simple checking in phone call to elderly residents or someone who may be self-isolating.
Getting the city working again
Suited for Success is also preparing ourselves to play our part once the COVID-19 crisis has passed to get many in the city who have lost jobs back into employment.
A citywide response
Grassroot charities are being stretched for volunteers and funding, however, there’s a real sense community and collaboration taking place across the city’s third sector.
Donate to us
Donations will be so gratefully received to be used to support our work with the Ladywood Helpers also to help us continue our work after the COVID-19 crisis has passed and we're helping the may people who have lost jobs back into work. Please visit our Donate to Us page to make a one off donation or to become a regular giver.