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Client Stories

Many clients referred to us may have experienced long-term unemployment, have a history of ex-offending, drug abuse, homelessness, poverty and many other life challenges. This results in low self-esteem and confidence that becomes a barrier to finding employment. Looking and feeling the part for an interview is a step towards succeeding in finding that crucial job and getting their life back on track...  
"When I came to Suited for Success I was feeling so down, then you put me in a suit, I looked real nice and I felt so confident..."
Meet William 


At Suited for Success we love listening to people's stories of how they are overcoming life's challenges and barriers to employment.


My self-esteem came back


Ugandan-born William aged 40 fell on hard times and ended up homeless on the streets of London. He was invited to come to Birmingham by a friend who found him a place in a Birmingham hostel. He was referred to Suited for Success by a local foodbank in Sparkhill after telling the foodbank team that he needed clothes for a job interview in London. William attended an appointment at Suited for Success on Tuesday 13th June and was dressed by our volunteer Thomas.


"I shared with the lady at the foodbank that as well as food I also needed some clothes for a job interview and they directed me to Suited for Success. I had lost all my self-esteem, but when I came to Suited for Success and you dressed me in a suit my self-esteem just came back. When I went to the job interview I was full of so much confidence," said William.


An amazing story


At his interview he was offered the job on the spot. He contacted us to let us know and requested help with a few extra items of smart clothing to wear during the first few weeks of his new job. 


During his second Suited for Success appointment, we sat down and asked William to tell us a little bit more about his journey and his new job. What William shared with us really 'blew us away'. 


Listen to William tell his AMAZING story below...





Meet William - Suited for Success

Meet Niall

Meet Paul

Meet Andrew

See our client makeover pictures

Become a Suited for Success 'Chance Giver'

Become a regular giver to Suited for Success for just £10 a month (or more) to support us in our mission to change lives and help give people a chance of getting into employment. Your giving will give many unemployed men and women a CHANCE and enable the sustainability and development of our work.

Find out how you can become a Suited for Success 'Chance Giver'.

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